A romantic itinerary of Newfoundland:

You’d begin at Virgin Arm, Red Head Cove, Lady Cove or maybe Broad Cove. Make sure you stay well clear of Cuckholds.

Next, head for Cupids. (If you need to investigate Manuels, maybe you’re too young for this journey...)

If you have the good Fortune to find Fair Haven, you could Hopeall will go right. You should aim for Leading Tickles, Spoon Cove or even Shag Rock.

If you figure out how to navigate your North Arm and your South Arm around Upper Back Cove, you can get to Port au Bras. From there you can see Upper Gullies.

You’d be looking for your Little Heart’s Ease, your Heart’s Desire, your Heart’s Delight, until you’re all the way to your Heart’s Content.

By then you’d be pretty near Paradise.

If you need some assistance, you might try Gin Cove. Unless of course she said she has a Malady Head. That would be your Low Point.

If you’re successful in these Exploits, or if you’ve reached Woody Island, you could get to Come-By-Chance. That could lead to Conception Bay before too long, but you really should visit Parsonville first.

And eventually, you’d have to deal with Placentia...

Now, stay away from Kilbride, or you’ll end up in Gallows Cove.

Or, if you’re in a hurry and want to take a short cut, you can turn left to Dildo...



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